The Proposal Night – Short Story No.5

Click the pic for the whole story 🙂

Allen, 26. Born and bred beside the mighty waters of the Pacific and the only heir to a royal mansion. A marble masterpiece his place was. 3 storied, with huge columns of white supporting an epic arch that led to his front door. The view from the terrace – surreal, beautiful yet chilling.
Today, Friday, was going to be the night of his life. Or so he planned. He had invited his girlfriend over. The tables were set, the food had arrived, the ambience arranged. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was wafting in the air softly; every detail had been planned and every possible situation rehearsed. He was all set, for the perfect proposal.

For the rest of the story go to: Vagrant Wanderers 🙂

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Vagrant Wanderers is a new blog, admin’d by my friend G. Hari ( of Passionalia fame) and myself. A co-blogging venture had been on the cards for quite a while now and finally it’s been materialised! 🙂
Thank you for your support.



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